English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tushe" ita ce tushen tallafi ko ginshiƙan wani abu, wanda aka gina shi ko aka gina shi. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wurin farawa ko tushe na asali wanda aka kafa ko gina wani abu akai. A cikin sharuddan ilmin lissafi, yana iya komawa zuwa saitin vectors waɗanda suka mamaye wani sarari ko ƙarƙashin ƙasa. A cikin amfani na kowa, ana iya amfani da kalmar "tushe" a cikin jimloli kamar "bisa," ma'ana an yi wani abu ko yanke hukunci saboda wani dalili ko hujja.


  1. base

Sentence Examples

  1. Increasing crime and rising unemployment meant residents suffered break ins on a regular basis, Sheila saw the reports on tv a few weeks back.
  2. Their council, as Nell reminded me on a weekly basis, had left my homeworld to ruin.
  3. The very basis of this new connectivity circuit is driving us to become aloof and disconnected from each other.
  4. At least that was their basis for explanation when it came to her strange talents.
  5. House Staerleigh dealt in precious goods on a regular basis, and many of the other ledger entries included similar exorbitant figures.
  6. When you go outside and retrieve eggs on a daily basis, those eggs are fresh.
  7. Although he still abhorred the fact that the woodfolk were effectively held in thrall by it, he now felt that he had a different, legitimate, untainted basis for his authority.
  8. On the way home Kila decided to stop and have a drink at a tavern that he happened to know was popular with Enforcers, many of whom patronized it on a regular basis.
  9. To think that such death and destruction of human life originated here on a daily basis.
  10. He especially despised the way this harsh reality was ground into his soul on a daily basis by the trickle of tourists passing by our house on a post-Manrique ramble about the village.