English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tushe" na iya dogara ne akan mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi, saboda yana da ma'anoni daban-daban. Ga wasu daga cikin mafi yawan su: bangaren da ke goyan bayan sauran. Misali: Tushen fitilar anyi shi ne da tagulla. ma'ana ko rashin sani. Misali: Halinsa tushe ne da rashin gaskiya. Suna: A soja shigarwa ko makaman. Misali: Sojojin sun kafa sansani a cikin jeji. Misali: Littafin ya ba da kyakkyawan tushe na ilimi ga masu farawa. Misali: Kamfanin ya dogara ne akan binciken kasuwa. Suna: Wani sinadari ne wanda zai iya kawar da acid ko amsa da shi don samar da gishiri, yawanci tare da sakin hydrogen. gas. Misali: Sodium hydroxide tushe ne na gama gari da ake amfani da shi a yawancin hanyoyin masana'antu.


  1. bag

Sentence Examples

  1. Then I noticed something odd at the base of the statue in the courtyard.
  2. Making his literary hiatus even worse, his visit to the aljibe at La Corona yesterday proved an arduous trek across acres of lava rubble, and when at last he arrived at the base of the volcano he found himself in an exposed, windswept locale.
  3. As I navigated the roads near the base of the mountains and Crilly Lake, I compiled a list of ways I could check the alibis for Carla, Jordan, and Striker without outright asking them.
  4. I pull open the door and nudge a wedge of wood under its base.
  5. Everywhere she looked, Cianne feared conspirators were lying in wait, base criminals who had plotted to commit regicide and would not blink an eye at the necessity of taking her life as well.
  6. We agreed to touch base later that evening to outline a game plan.
  7. Making matters even worse, that pretty young tourist ambling over all that rock and scree at the base of the volcano has fused with the Paula-like sleuth of his imagining, despite the difference in hair colouring.
  8. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  9. Even so, she felt a tingle of apprehension at the base of her spine.
  10. Bridget was talking with Dean Terry in the stands on the third base line.