English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jan hankali" tana nufin inganci ko yanayin zama mai ban sha'awa ko sha'awa, yawanci ta zahiri ko ta hankali. Hakanan yana iya nufin iya zana ko kawo wani ko wani abu kusa ko yin jan hankali ko fara'a. A faffadar ma’ana, “sha’awa” na iya komawa ga sha’awa ko sha’awar wani abu, kamar samfur, ra’ayi, ko wuri.

Sentence Examples

  1. It also radically altered my first impression of him, as well as his overall attractiveness.
  2. Part of their attractiveness was that they could only be broached from the south by bridge.
  3. Antaska was stunned by his overwhelming attractiveness and flustered by this sudden unaccustomed, uninvited physical closeness, but she obediently raised up the bar.
  4. When he had first seen her, Mark had thought her a peasant girl of passing attractiveness.
  5. He was stuck in his early sixties, with one of those faces that reached peak attractiveness in middle age.