English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "belle" mace ce kyakkyawa, kyakkyawa kuma kyakkyawa. Kalmar "belle" yawanci ana amfani da ita don kwatanta macen da ake sha'awar kamanninta na zahiri, alherin zamantakewa, da fara'a. An samo shi daga harshen Faransanci, inda "belle" ke nufin kyakkyawa ko kyakkyawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. CAM WATCHED Hayden come back into the main room with Catherine and Belle.
  2. Sure enough Kelly, our Southern Belle from Georgia, is waving at him from across the room.
  3. Shortly afterward, she ran from the diner, with Belle not far behind.
  4. After a short while, the belle, a different one every time, would arrive.
  5. She left all her property at her Belle Vue Road address.
  6. Showered and changed, Sid drove us to the Belle Cove police station.