English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kadara" tana nufin duk wani abu mallakar mutum, kamfani, ko ƙungiyar da ke da ƙima kuma ana iya amfani da ita don biyan wajibai na kuɗi ko samar da fa'idodi na gaba. Misalan kadarorin sun haɗa da tsabar kuɗi, saka hannun jari, kadara, kayan aiki, da ƙira. A cikin lissafin kuɗi, ana rarraba kadarori zuwa nau'i daban-daban, kamar kadarorin na yanzu (misali tsabar kuɗi da karɓar asusu) da ƙayyadaddun kadarorin (misali dukiya da kayan aiki). Ana iya amfani da ƙimar kadarorin don ƙididdige ƙimar kuɗin mutum ko ƙungiyar, kuma suna da mahimmancin la'akari a cikin tsarawa da sarrafa kuɗi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Thanks to the assets my grandfather left me, money has never been an issue.
  2. He is very handsome, and can lift very heavy things, but that is about the extent of his assets.
  3. Of course, it was he who made all the profit from our toil and lived in the lap of luxury we were simply assets to be guarded or, if necessary, replaced.
  4. As it turned out, Jordan ended up being one of the biggest assets in helping us win.
  5. Since the objective of the TechnoServe financing was to allow businesses to access bank loans, the banks had to perceive the TechnoServe investment as common equity or something very similar so there would be no question as to who got the assets if a business went bankrupt.
  6. I also made liberal use of those assets in furnishing this apartment, clearly a wise move, now that Jeff is coming to visit.
  7. The Donovackia Corporation will absorb the assets, employees, military, and all licenses of the Stameyerson Corporation.
  8. I cannot reveal it without surrendering all my liquid assets back to you as a penalty.
  9. I watched them for a minute, particularly the white haired girl with two bulbous assets, before I saw a pile of clothes on and around a nearby tree.
  10. Still hoping, I suppose, to impress the pants off her, I used my ever-so-superior experience to analyze all the ways in and out of the town and traced his movements, eventually discovering him on a sand-and-palm-tree island, doped up on acid and weed, shagging a Russian girl whose assets and free-spirit made him temporarily forget Sophie even existed.