English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "yanki" wani yanki ne na musamman ko wani yanki na sararin samaniya mai girma wanda ke da wata siffa ko manufa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ga girman ko ma'aunin sama ko sarari, sau da yawa ana bayyanawa a cikin murabba'in murabba'in kamar murabba'in mita ko ƙafafu. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "yanki" don bayyana filin ayyuka, nazari, ko sha'awa, ko wani batu ko abin da ya damu.

Sentence Examples

  1. There were five registered in the UK, two of which were in the London area.
  2. I looked around the reception area to determine where to go, but someone stopped me in my tracks.
  3. With no one to leave instructions, we were at a complete loose end, turfed out of our old office, and most of the area was under investigation.
  4. He says he was at Grey Field for a practice volleyball game, but we have minimal camera coverage in that area.
  5. We searched for a quiet area in the stadium and found a table under a covered awning.
  6. Countless lumps of rock were spread around the area, growing larger in size the closer they got to the humongous mountain range.
  7. Some passageways had levitating balls of electricity that lit the area from up high.
  8. The occasional bobcat had been sighted years ago, but as the area became more urbanized, the wildlife retreated further into the Wharton Mountains.
  9. While there was no staircase accessing the third floor from the back side of the building, a narrow one in the front led to a cozy library and common area for students working on a group project or a professor holding a special lecture session.
  10. This area was so off-radar, no one would ever come looking for trouble here, not of the magic variety.