English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zane" zane ne ko tsari mai sauƙi wanda ke nuna tsari ko aikin wani abu. Ana iya amfani da shi don kwatanta tsari, tsari, ko dangantaka tsakanin sassa daban-daban na gaba ɗaya. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da zane-zane a fagen fasaha ko kimiyya don taimakawa mutane su fahimci hadaddun tunani ko bayanai. Hakanan ana iya amfani da su a wasu yanayi, kamar a cikin ilimi ko ƙira, don taimakawa wajen koyarwa ko hangen nesa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Other tunnels led off from it, but her attention was drawn to Themis, who sat upon a stool within a circular diagram, peering down at a cloudy pool of water.
  2. Blood leaked out onto the pages, staining a diagram of the human spleen.
  3. She slammed it shut a moment later when it showed the same diagram the rest of the books showed.
  4. She might not read very well, but she can look at a picture or a diagram and figure out what it means in seconds.
  5. However vague some of his figures may seem, however formless the shadows, to him the outline is as clear and distinct as that of a geometrical diagram.
  6. She could hear Frank and Sevita still talking quietly over the diagram as she moved the trunk that was sitting in her closet.
  7. Jack pulled up his collar, looked at the diagram in his gloved hand and tried to orientate himself.
  8. She saw faintly a diagram painted on a sheet of metal next to the door, and aimed her exosuit light on it.
  9. Here is a popular scientific diagram, a weather record.
  10. According to the diagram, a small piece of marble in front of the headstone could be removed.