English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "arcane" wani abu ne wanda mutane kaɗan ne kawai suka fahimta kuma a ɓoye ko ɓoye. Yana nufin ilimi, ayyuka, ko ra'ayoyin da aka sani kawai ga wasu zaɓaɓɓu ko waɗanda suke da wuyar fahimta. Ana amfani da kalmar "arcane" sau da yawa don kwatanta tsohon ko ilimi mai ban sha'awa, koyarwar ɓoyayye ko na asirce, ko ayyukan sufanci ko esoteric. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ke da wuyar fahimta ko kuma ya wuce fahimtar al'ada.

Sentence Examples

  1. Other such designs decorated this room, forming a circle of arcane symbols designed to ward against the very vaettir she wanted to evoke.
  2. Most stretched from a large Trajan window nearby, its surface glowing with arcane symbols moving in rapid succession.
  3. Whether Pyrrha sheltered with kindly farmers or slept in lean-tos in the forest, Enodia would show up some nights, offering some morsel of arcane training.
  4. Much as she loved Shakespeare, plays were meant to be seen, not read, especially with such arcane English that it was practically a foreign language.