English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar ''antipathy'' shine tsananin ƙiyayya ko ƙiyayya ga wani ko wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ƙiyayya mai zurfi ko ƙiyayya ga wani abu ko wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. In gratitude to the captain, I sometimes sat with him at his earnest request, and strove to conceal my antipathy against human kind, although it often broke out, which he suffered to pass without observation.
  2. So that, supposing us to have the gift of reason, he could not see how it were possible to cure that natural antipathy which every creature discovered against us nor consequently, how we could tame and render them serviceable.
  3. And yet it was not because the damp had been excluded from the garden the earth, black as soot, the thick foliage of the trees betrayed its presence besides, had natural humidity been wanting, it could have been immediately supplied by artificial means, thanks to a tank of water, sunk in one of the corners of the garden, and upon which were stationed a frog and a toad, who, from antipathy, no doubt, always remained on the two opposite sides of the basin.
  4. Tarkyn could almost feel their antipathy pulsing against him.
  5. Besides, there was his old antipathy to being touched.
  6. It arises, I suppose, from a natural antipathy to anything of the kind.
  7. If a man like that sees your antipathy, he will play on it for the perverse joy of enhancing it.
  8. Upon the whole I never beheld in all my travels so disagreeable an animal, nor one against which I naturally conceived so strong an antipathy so that thinking I had seen enough, full of contempt and aversion, I got up, and pursued the beaten road, hoping it might direct me to the cabin of some Indian.