English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tunatarwa" ita ce sanya wani ya tuna da wani abu, sau da yawa ta hanyar sawa ko sake kawo hankalinsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ba da alama ko nuni ga wani a matsayin tunatarwa ga wani abu da ya kamata a yi ko a kula da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. And yet, that same energy seems to remind me to focus on the issue at hand so I quell my beating heart and turn back toward the lobby, watching in the last few seconds of my vision, before it all fades to black, a truly skanky man appearing from behind the front desk.
  2. I wanted to remind Derek-baby what people said about payback, but halfway through my witty comeback, he hung up.
  3. Kayla had to remind herself she was playing for the other team now as Cruncher pointed to the screen and launched into an explanation.
  4. Did you remind her about roads and sewers and schools and sheriffs?
  5. Richard likes to remind his half-brother of his bastardy it keeps me in my place.
  6. He was surprised she had come to greet him herself rather than send one of her underlings, and he had to remind himself that the way things had run when Meara had been chief would probably not be the way they would run with Flim as chief.
  7. There was no long safety lecture from Carl this time, though he did take the opportunity to remind us not to harm any person with the stunners.
  8. Deciding it would be better not to remind him of the shared connection with Alec, she shrugged.
  9. She flushed and nodded toward the door to remind him about the visitors.
  10. Thinking of his excuses for treatment was enough to make me blanch, but I tried my best to remind myself that the situations were completely different from my old life.