English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ɗaukarwa" shine zama ko zama a cikin iska ko a matsayi mafi girma, musamman sama da matakin ƙasa ko sama da wani abu ko batu. Yana kuma iya nufin wani abu da aka dakatar a cikin iska ko dagawa, kamar tuta ko balloon. Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da "loft" azaman karin magana don bayyana wani aiki ko yanayin da ake aikatawa ko faruwa a sama a cikin iska ko kuma a tsayi mai girma.

Sentence Examples

  1. The juggler I had seen before appeared keeping five swords aloft, handling them by the blades without once so much as nicking his fingers.
  2. He held one hand out, palm up, so that she could see it was empty, and in the other hand he held aloft something that caught some of the light.
  3. In the dim light, he seemed one with his horse, his spear held aloft in the air, banners fluttering off his back.
  4. In this dream, she soared and sang, the need for oblivion abandoned in favor of the attentive, winged caresses that now seemed to hold her aloft in spite of her own ability to fly.
  5. His tail, you perceive, is held aloft by his two principal concubines, Elline and Argelais and his whole appearance would be infinitely prepossessing, were it not for the protuberance of his eyes, which will certainly start out of his head, and the queer color of his face, which has become nondescript from the quantity of wine he has swallowed.
  6. Only their joined hips and her legs around his waist kept her aloft.
  7. The newly minted knight turned and held the sword aloft for all to see.
  8. Estienne, his own hands in the air and sword held aloft, bellowed with them.
  9. Edward, whooping, held aloft a leather bag, the signal that the deed was done, and as quickly as they had descended, they disappeared into the veiled shelter of the forest, leaving the men to regroup and speed the carriage from the ambush.
  10. He thrust his thick neck aloft, closing in on his target.