English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “duhu” ita ce ma’anar da ta shuɗe kuma wacce ta wuce ta kalmar fi’ili ta “duhu”. An samo shi daga sifa "Duhu," wanda ke nufin rashi ko rashi na haske. Idan wani abu ya yi duhu, yana nufin ya yi duhu a launi ko ƙasa da haske. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar ta misali don nuna raguwar haske, haske, ko kyakkyawan fata.

Sentence Examples

  1. His forearms were bare, heavily muscled and darkened with hair, and the knuckles on the hand that held the door open were whitened with scars.
  2. Richard stood among the contorted darkened lines, his form broken and difficult to discern in their camouflage.
  3. The sky outside the window darkened as Brooke spent an hour reading.
  4. Her eyes darkened, her lips parting slightly, and he knew how gratifying she found the compliment.
  5. Together they gathered the tea things and then headed out into his darkened jungle of a garden.
  6. That creepy man I spotted in my dream where James and Blair organized their sexual assignation plot in the hotel lobby now sits behind a desk, his face darkened by the shadow of a cap and his hands folded across his dirty calico shirt and overalls.
  7. But after that he was on guard and his mood darkened.
  8. The wine-colored leather had darkened with age, the edges of it stained and frayed from much contact with fingers.
  9. Anyone casting a glance towards him would see the brown leather jerkin, its stitching slightly frayed at one shoulder, the elbows and front smoothed and darkened with the dirt of wear.
  10. An hour later he arrived back at the inn and found Jack walking towards him down the darkened corridor leading to his room.