English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " firgita" ita ce jin tsoro ko damuwa da yiwuwar haɗari ko cutarwa, ko kuma sa wani ya ji haka. Hakanan yana iya nufin faɗakar da wani haɗari ko ba da sigina ko sauti mai nuna gargaɗi ko haɗari.

Sentence Examples

  1. Passepartout, not in the least alarmed, caressed the animal, which replaced him gently on the ground.
  2. Lach was alarmed, and there was a commotion as I called for servants to bring his things.
  3. Alarmed, he ran down the hall where the yelling seemed to be originating from.
  4. Somer let out an alarmed exclamation as the man before him collapsed in a heap on the carpet in his study.
  5. Alarmed, she increased her energy and felt him hesitate with longing for her.
  6. The explicit focus on my father alarmed me the most.
  7. Alarmed that something had happened he was on his feet in a moment, but Mat had already retreated from the fetid quarters.
  8. The captain, who was really alarmed, did not know what course to take.
  9. The recent floods that inundated villages and towns in England alarmed him more than almost anyone we know.
  10. Seeing that man talking to Redoto alarmed me but I have no solid justification for that alarm, just a nagging sense of danger.