English to hausa meaning of

Bucket (noun):Tuntuni yawanci silinda ko zagaye tare da hannu, ana amfani da ita don ɗauka ko riƙe ruwa ko wasu abubuwa. Nau'in ajiyar bayanai in computing, yawanci yana wakiltar ƙayyadaddun adadin ƙwaƙwalwar ajiya ko sarari diski. Informal: Maɗaukaki ko adadin wani abu.Informal: Jerin abubuwan da za a yi ko cimma; saitin manufa ko ayyuka.

Sentence Examples

  1. The humiliation was so great I forewent my mop and bucket shortly after.
  2. That time he caught her entering a villa in Punta Mujeres, bucket and mop in hand she had blushed the deepest of reds and hurried inside, tripping on the doorstep on her way in.
  3. Your only option is to plunge your feet into a bucket of lukewarm, stagnant water.
  4. I dump the ice, rinse the bucket out and put in a fresh bag.
  5. He wore only white underwear that were clearly soiled in the back, despite being given a bucket in the corner.
  6. With a slight frown of annoyance, the cook casually directed a thin stream of grey magic at the bone and lifted it off the floor into the waiting bucket before returning to his chopping.
  7. Emerging from the hall, Catherine found no sweating horse and dusty rider only John, a bucket of water in either hand, making his way to the kitchens.
  8. As Stormaway watched, a marrowbone missed the bucket and landed on the floor.
  9. He was filling a bucket with rocks from the turned mud.
  10. Bones and offal were thrown into a big wooden bucket against the wall of the tent.