English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zagi" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da kuma yadda ake amfani da shi, amma gabaɗaya tana nufin waɗannan abubuwa: Don amfani ko mu'amala da wani abu ko wani ta hanyar da ta dace. yana cutarwa, mai zalunci, ko kuma marar adalci. Don yin amfani da wani abu da ya wuce kima ko kuma ba daidai ba. >Don rashin amfani ko amfani da wani abu, kamar mulki ko iko. Don shiga cikin cutarwa ko halayen jaraba, kamar shan muggan kwayoyi ko shaye-shaye.Don haifar da jiki ko cutarwar mutum ga wani, musamman a cikin gida ko dangantakar abokin tarayya.A cikin mahallin shari'a, cin zarafi kuma na iya komawa ga nau'ikan halayen laifi, kamar cin zarafin yara, cin zarafin jima'i, ko dattijo. zagi.

Sentence Examples

  1. They have unusual abilities, and there are small groups who abuse those abilities and use them against Innocents, I mean ordinary humans.
  2. Seems to me that if someone wanted to abuse young women, they would be the perfect target.
  3. Women who grew up with abuse and perpetuated that pattern on to another generation.
  4. Liz wanted to show more defiance to hurl abuse after him in the hope that he would tear the door off her cage and rip her throat out.
  5. He began to accuse and abuse himself, and, as if he were director of police, administered to himself a sound lecture for his greenness.
  6. The tirade of verbal abuse and limited action was allowing Richard time to regain his strength.
  7. You abuse the privilege of using his first name by being overly familiar.
  8. She became dissatisfied with the abuse of the premises by her tenant, and moved into them herself, refusing to let any portion.
  9. Dean tried to walk away but the abuse continued, and the shouting got louder.
  10. By mid-morning, Dan, by a combination of verbal abuse, bullying, and physical blows, had managed to coax Jack back into the land of the living, giving him no time for his grief.