English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “kololuwa” na iya samun ma’anoni da dama: saman dutse ko tudu mai nuna alama. koli ko koli. Ƙarshe mai kaifi ko mai nuni ko sashi, kamar kololuwar hula ko kololuwar


  1. extremum

Sentence Examples

  1. To the west was a great valley, and then, rising far away, great jagged mountain fastnesses, rising peak on peak, the sheer rock studded with mountain ash and thorn, whose roots clung in cracks and crevices and crannies of the stone.
  2. The whole northern and eastern horizon was bounded by the immense semi-circular curtain which is formed by the southern portion of the Rocky Mountains, the highest being Laramie Peak.
  3. He was stuck in his early sixties, with one of those faces that reached peak attractiveness in middle age.
  4. He looked with ease beyond the obscurity that stretched from his seat in the dark wood to the highest visible peak of Lorlenalin.
  5. He went into a slight dip and then came up fast to the top of a peak.
  6. When she reached her peak, she gasped long and deep against his lips, her body shuddering, and he rolled on top of her, pausing to look down at her questioningly.
  7. The highest peak of our Parnassus is, according to these gentlemen, by far the most thickly settled portion of the country, a circumstance which must make it an uncomfortable residence for individuals of a poetical temperament, if love of solitude be, as immemorial tradition asserts, a necessary part of their idiosyncrasy.
  8. I darted further onto the flat peak of the Ururu, spinning in circles to drink in the sight.
  9. The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weather and propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, the principal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque Saddle Peak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters.