English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “cikakku” tana da ƴan ma’anoni ƙamus daban-daban, dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani:Ba a cancanta ko raguwa ta kowace hanya ba; jimla: "cikakkiyar shiru" ko "cikakkiyar iko"Ba tare da sharadi ba ko na ƙarshe; ba tare da togiya ba: "an absolute prohibition" ko "absolute loyalty"Cikakke ko cikakke cikin inganci ko yanayi: "cikakkiyar kyau" ko "cikakkiyar gaskiya"Independent of individual opinions or biases ; haƙiƙa: "cikakkiyar mizani" ko "cikakkiyar ɗabi'a" (Lissafi) Ba tare da iyaka ko hani; unrestricted: "absolute value" (Nahawu) Dangane da ginin nahawu wanda ake amfani da kalma ba tare da wasu kalmomi a cikin jumla ba, kamar "An yi ruwan sama" ko "Koma gida." li>Waɗannan kaɗan ne daga cikin yiwuwar ma'anar ƙamus na "cikakku." Ma'anar kalmar na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. Just like when I was a kid, the feeling of absolute hopelessness washed over me.
  2. Having been so abruptly dismissed, I stood for several seconds in absolute confusion.
  3. You have absolute dominion over the future of the woodfolk if you want it and I can already see the vultures gathering, waiting to use your influence.
  4. I head through to the kitchen, recalling with anguish and a measure of embarrassment the desperate solitude I endured in the aftermath of the birth, absolute whenever Celestino was at work in his studio, which was more often than not.
  5. She was attached to the man who, however coldly, gave her daily evidences of the most absolute devotion.
  6. With the absolute worst timing of anything that had ever happened in my life, I sneezed.
  7. This was the absolute worst place for magic-based combat, all the worse for the number of people here.
  8. The Alliance were right to push up barriers on offworld trade, considering the absolute chaos that inevitably resulted when magic-based technology went wrong on worlds like Earth, where knowledge of magic was next to none.
  9. The obliteration of the royal line had been almost absolute, and now the realm was down to examining the claims of fifth cousins twenty times removed.
  10. Because of the oath, I could insist on absolute power over your people, if I so choose, and who knows you could possibly share that power.