English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Genetics" ita ce nazarin kimiyya game da gado da kuma bambancin halaye na gado tsakanin kwayoyin halitta, musamman game da DNA da kwayoyin halitta. Ya ƙunshi nazarin kwayoyin halitta, ayyukansu, da kuma yadda ake yaɗa su daga tsara zuwa na gaba. Hakanan kwayoyin halitta sun haɗa da nazarin cututtukan ƙwayoyin cuta da kuma hanyoyin da maye gurbi na iya haifar da cuta. A takaice dai, kwayoyin halitta shine nazarin kwayoyin halitta, bambancin kwayoyin halitta, da gadon halittu masu rai.


  1. genetic science

Sentence Examples

  1. She loved the baby chicks in the genetics section and even found the body slices interesting, although creepy.
  2. The man was stocky, his barrel chest coming from genetics rather than the iron game.
  3. Having lived in this realm and planet makes an impact if we can visit it again as a ghost and also genetics which APES closely have.
  4. Like Christian had promised, he had recovered from his wounds more quickly than a normal person, a perk to having great genetics.
  5. By mingling the genetics of man with beasts, man is weakened.
  6. In one case out of ten, it was awesome genetics and some extremely good cosmetic surgery, and nothing more.
  7. Already he felt stronger, the sign of good genetics.