(1) With hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level
(1) With the hand swung below shoulder level
(2) With the hand swung below shoulder level'
(1) The Kiwis threatened to bowl all 50 overs underarm at the next match, but did not go through with it.
(2) The bowler steps up to the crease and rolls an underarm delivery on the ground straight at the batsman.
(3) The Laws of Cricket and the ICC playing regulations both prohibit the bowling of underarm deliveries.
(4) Use an underarm deodorant
(5) When the very original cricket balls were manufactured in the Garden of England around 1750, the underarm deliveries could not be made to swing significantly at such a low trajectory and pace.
(6) Ii'S clear from the history of cricket that bowling has gone through an evolution from underarm bowling to overarm bowling.
(7) Here it is demonstrated for hitting an overhead shot (the most-played shot in badminton, unlike tennis or squash which are primarily underarm swings).
(8) Australia were amassing a huge score (Billy Murdoch had just scored the first Test double-century) when Lyttelton came on to propel his underarm lobs.
(9) As a result, underarm bowling was banned from international cricket.
(10) Latham couldn't believe his luck and gladly accepted the offer of the underarm lob from half way down the pitch to remind voters of Howard's cut and run strategy.
(11) And it wasn't some nice, looping, underarm throw that would have guaranteed the bottle would land safely in Drifter's hands, either.
(12) He throws from a slightly underarm angle, but his pitches can reach 93 mph, an unusually high velocity for pitchers with that type of delivery.
(13) And two decades later, he re-visits the underarm delivery and provides a fascinating insight into why he asked his younger brother Trevor to bowl that infamous delivery.
(14) Greg asked Trevor, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510How are you at bowling your underarms ?u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb before asking the umpire to inform the batsman the delivery would be underarm.
(15) He grabbed Jason's underarms , and Sam grabbed Jason's legs.
(16) Its clever oval shape allows you to maneuver perfectly around such delicate areas as ankles, knees and underarms .
(17) I shaved my legs and my underarms , brushed my hair, conditioned twice, washed every inch of my skin in hopes of feeling as fresh as possible and I made it a top priority to cake on some deodorant and floss.
(18) Alex was putting deodorant on his underarms when he heard a familiar song playing somewhere.
(19) I cannot seem to use perfume on my underarms .
(20) The vogue extends to male triathletes, who wax their legs, underarms and chest to feel more streamlined.