(1) Downstairs, life is also quite formal but the servants are closer to the underbelly of society, the whispers and the rumours.
(2) One by one, its children learn of their society's dark underbelly and so become adults.
(3) All of them are in the underbelly of society and that appealed to me.
(4) The timing was razor sharp, striking right on the soft underbelly of Scotland's tender new born sensibilities.
(5) It claims the party's policy underbelly is economic risk, cuts to public services and charges for hospital operations.
(6) His avowed aim is to write about, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510people whose stories are seldom told, because they constitute the underbelly of society.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(7) Methinks they've shown their soft underbelly .
(8) Last week saw the launch of Ireland's first ever dedicated crime magazine, a publication that aims to tap into the public's fascination with the underbelly of society.
(9) You work your way through the criminal underbelly of a city, jacking cars and committing all kinds of felonies as you make your way to the top.
(10) Was Georgia a wholesome, egalitarian Utopia or an expedient way to harden the soft underbelly of the Southern colonies?
(11) The birds are also known as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510ghostu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb owls for the white face and underbelly feathers that are visible as they fly overhead.
(12) Color is variable and can range from jet black dorsally with a lighter underbelly to a uniform light gray.
(13) Anyway, the North American variety are in the genus Macrobdella, very pretty leeches, sort of an olive colour with a red underbelly and red polka dots going down the back.
(14) I think that Currie reckoned we had something of a soft underbelly up front but we took them to the cleaners.
(15) In order to satisfy Kip's debt to society's dark underbelly , Raines must come out of retirement and steal 50 cars in three days.
(16) The soft underbelly of the country's power is its reluctance to take casualties and to pay the costs of rebuilding societies that it invades.
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The corporate database is the soft underbelly of corporate Ireland,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Reynolds said.
(18) The world is now adopting open standards, which leaves their vast underbelly vulnerable.
(19) The feathers on its underbelly lightly brushed the lily pads on the surface.
(20) Some people referred to it as a soft underbelly - whatever that is - but make no mistake about it, over the last few years Kerry teams have not performed for the full game.