(1) Act (a role
(1) I think this movie may mark the only time in recorded history when he managed to underact in a part.
(2) The young actress manages, at the same time, to underact and overdo playing a grieving yet bratty young girl.
(3) He was often, and probably justly, accused of underacting in the movies, but never of overacting.
(4) The acting isn't all that way, because we're sometimes treated to underacting as a change of pace.
(5) An actor himself, he doesn't write plays so much as actors' exercises: violently angry confrontations, absurdly bizarre vignettes, and abject deflations good for practicing sotto voce underacting .
(6) Thank John, who overacts in direct proportion to the amount of underacting everyone else does.
(7) When in doubt, they seem to choose underacting , which is a smart pick.
(8) Who overacted, underacted , didn't try or couldn't act his or her way out of a paper bag?
(9) For once, he underacts , and still manages to create a memorable character.
(10) DeNiro underacts brilliantly, creating a character whose obsessive concern for control and order is both his means to the top and his undoing.
(11) It's a caper film, with all the obligatory touchstones of the genre and everyone underacts to great effect.
(12) This movie is loud, gaudy, underacted , and completely without a soul.
(13) He underacts many scenes, perhaps going for stoic emotional pain but looking bored.