(1) He arrived back in England with very valuable treasure and the distinction of being the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.
(2) He drew it back, cradling it like precious treasure .
(3) They laugh about finding a pirate's treasure and sharing the wealth.
(4) That also got me to read her blog, which is a real treasure .
(5) Those who travelled to Ireland may well have sought the protection of their castle at Dundrum and, perhaps, buried their most valuable treasure there.
(6) Oliver's been a real treasure and has loosely formed a routine for both day and night.
(7) I will always treasure my favourite motorcycling footage on bike with Steve for his record breaking lap at the TT.
(8) So now it's just us who have to take a long hard look at whether our use of time and money is laying up treasure in this world or in heaven.
(9) Actually, if God provides you with even one in this life, it's a real treasure in my opinion.
(10) He had always sort of imagined love, a fact he guarded more carefully than the most precious of his treasure .
(11) After all, these treasures are literally priceless, and the dome has a bit of a bad track record when it comes to guarding treasure - remember the diamond heist?
(12) Passes will have to go to hand, ball will not have to be turned over and the side will need to treasure the ball more carefully than they are at present.
(13) He's a national treasure and I just love the guy.
(14) The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars.
(15) It's a real treasure of ensemble acting, as every performance not only fulfills the purpose needed for each scene, but they all seem to be working off of each other.
(16) Although exhilarating to open it's not a Christmas present that you'll treasure forever.
(17) I will be getting the shirt framed and will treasure it always.
(18) After paying homage for the noble act, Dantes recovered the buried treasure and became extremely wealthy.
(19) People treasure their albums but they don't necessarily treasure their singles.
(20) Finders are legally allowed to keep their finds unless they are classed as treasure - usually a gold or silver object dating back over 300 years.