(1) He said that his lawyer advised him to leave Kenya as it was rumoured that he would soon be charged with sedition and treason .
(2) Military officials initially told the press that he might face charges of espionage and sedition, even treason .
(3) The security laws ban treason , sedition, subversion and the theft of state secrets.
(4) It is the goal of all agents to bravely expose treason and hidden crimes in order to safeguard national security.
(5) Franco eliminated universal suffrage and viewed any criticism of the regime as treason .
(6) In times of wars the church stood at the forefront of sedition and treason , unless it saw some advantage for itself.
(7) It is absolutely out of order to suggest that an honourable member of this House is committing treason .
(8) Once labelled a terrorist, he was convicted of treason and jailed for 27 years.
(9) Equally ominous is the extension of the definition of treason , regarded as one of the most serious political crimes of all.
(10) To resist the will of the sovereign was treason , and to avoid exile, or even the block, it was necessary to tread carefully.
(11) She had no idea what she'd done to be charged with a serious crime like treason .
(12) Prosecutors are demanding life sentences for five suspected militants charged with a crime similar to treason .
(13) Duress has been recognised as a general defence to all crimes except treason and murder.
(14) In some other countries that would be called treason or treachery.
(15) Doubt is the ultimate treason against faith
(16) They were convicted of treason
(17) The charges include treason, conspiracy to commit treason and being accessories to treason .
(18) Sacrificing you, or simply having you killed for treason , would have only led to more conflict.
(19) The erstwhile British colonial rulers used the fort to try the freedom fighters after convicting them of treason .
(20) A wife who killed her husband did not commit murder - she committed the far worse crime of petty treason .