(1) It has pursued a deliberate policy of bankrupting the public treasury in order to finance tax breaks for the rich.
(2) The old town is a treasury of ancient monuments
(3) The cross, just under four feet long, will go on display in the coming months in the treasury of the National Museum in Kildare House, along with the nation's other priceless treasures.
(4) And that, in turn, is what provides revenues to the federal treasury , which enable you then to pay for things.
(5) The country's pledge not to spend more than it has in its treasury
(6) Any excess money is stored in gold or silver in the country's treasury and saved for times of war.
(7) The structure consisted of The Abbey Church, dormitories, cloister, chapter house, treasury , parlours, kitchen, refectory, workshops and stores.
(8) The treasury has been converted into a bright little museum of censers, illuminated manuscripts and paintings.
(9) As its publicity rightly says, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Kate's Kitchenu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510veritable treasury of gourmet delightsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(10) He adds that it is necessary because, after he raised the corporate tax in the 1990s, funds to the treasury actually fell, as companies used loopholes to avoid taxes.
(11) Neither Bush nor Schwarzenegger said whether any progress had been or could be made in directing more federal funds to California in light of the looting of the federal treasury to fund those policies.
(12) Also, as in Argentina, privatization had the advantage of bringing funds into the national treasury .
(13) I want to marry someone that I love, who loves me back, not someone who fills up your blasted treasury !
(14) In the museum we have a pyxis that was once a container for the Eucharist and stored in a church treasury .
(15) While he conceded that borrowing might be necessary in the early part of a war, before the revenue from war taxes began to flow into the treasury , he insisted that borrowing be kept to a minimum as a temporary expedient only.
(16) The landowners' estates and assets were seized for the imperial treasury
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I think things will get worse before they get better,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Enda Coll, manager of institutional treasury at Anglo Irish Bank.
(18) Pat also took up bee-keeping and fly-fishing and became a volunteer at Winchester Cathedral, working in both the Triforium Gallery and the treasury .
(19) David's treasury was filled with booty from his conquests; Solomon's with tribute payments and the profits from burgeoning international trade.
(20) The latter in 1800 erected a group of buildings known as The Residency which included administration offices, a treasury , an armoury, living quarters, a church and a banqueting hall.