(1) No data available
(1) For example, it never occurred to me even once in my life that I would ever work in any job where I was not terminable at will and I never have.
(2) According to the company's annual report released last week, Duignan has a service contract that is terminable by the company on payment of three years remuneration.
(3) It is incompatible with the notion of a fixed term appointment that it is terminable at pleasure.
(4) Is the provider/landlord agreement a license or a lease, and is it terminable by the building owner?
(5) A contract may have terms which provide that it will go for five years provided that it is terminable by six months notice.
(6) Now ennui is a terrible thing but it seems to have roughly the same effect as terminable boredom.
(7) For much of the 1850s it had a terminable existence expressly defined, destined to expire in 1860.
(8) Alternatively, whether or not the contract is for a fixed term, it might be expressed to be terminable only after a long notice period, thus enhancing the director's claim for payment in lieu of notice.
(9) How can the Creator of eternity come up with something terminable , inconsistent and out-dated?
(10) There are various trust options to choose from, including u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510qualified terminable interest propertyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510qualified domestic trustu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(11) The fact that the expression is commonly used in speaking of a terminable estate does not avoid the necessity for the inquiry whether there is any person of whose interest that essential condition can be predicated.