TV series example of the word

Westworld Season 2, Episode 3
But you ain't even sure about that termagant you take your orders from.
কলহকারী, খাণ্ডার
যে মহিলা কলহ করে, রায়বাঘিনী
(1) A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman
(1) Dearest, if I'm one, then you must be a termagant , a misandrist and all its synonyms rolled into one.
(2) I like to imagine my mother a harried and frantic termagant , slightly crazed and in distinct need of sedation.
(3) He rolled his eyes at his mother, who was practically puffing up in indignation for the termagant who had all but threw him out of her home after the argument they had about the engagement.
(4) At the dawn of the U.S. civil rights era, black stereotypes - the shiftless coon, termagant Mammy, servile Uncle Tom - remained the order of the day in popular American mass entertainment.
(5) Your highness, sorry about the shrieking termagant !
(6) Rourke was sure he would not want to face the termagant anytime soon.
(7) The sextet devoted way too much ribaldry to speech impediments and Jesus' termagant mum, and the film-making craft, which I'd remembered as spiffy, now looked slack.
Westworld Season 2, Episode 3
But you ain't even sure about that termagant you take your orders from.