TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 9
This is the cathode. This is the positive terminal.

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 7 cushion the blow of a terminal diagnosis?
প্রান্তিক, প্রান্তীয়, শেষ, প্রান্ত্য, আখেরী, অগ্র, অন্ত্য, অন্তিক, চরম, পরম
প্রান্ত, সীমা, অন্ত, অবসান, রেললাইনের প্রান্তিক স্টেশন
(1) Of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route.
(2) Relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time.
(3) Being or situated at an end.
(4) Occurring at or forming an end or termination.
(5) Causing or ending in or approaching death.
(6) Final.
(7) Deadly.
(1) Station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods.
(2) A contact on an electrical device (such as a battery.
(3) Either extremity of something that has length.
(4) Electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display.
(5) A contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves.
(6) Electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer.
(7) Has a keyboard and display.
(8) End of road; limit.
(9) Computer screen.
(10) Computer input/output device.
(1) Her chest radiograph showed confluent shadowing associated with terminal disease.
(2) A very well groomed young woman sat at a computer terminal working on a spreadsheet.
(3) An anode terminal is electrically connected to the portion of the anode lead wire extending from the anode body.
(4) Just take a look at the planes that are lined up outside the general aviation terminal at your airport.
(5) However, the pewter in the current exhibition leads one to extend the terminal date proposed by either author.
(6) There were even clubs opened for those in the terminal stages of HIV.
(7) As highlighted in a recent review, the distinction between critical illness and terminal illness is often not easily made.
(8) Now that the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510natural deathu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb amendments have been passed by the legislature, I hope Taiwan will soon have more hospice wards to take care of terminal patients.
(9) She moved to the forward curved wall of the room and hummed quietly to herself as she tapped out a few commands on the computer terminal .
(10) To obtain larger cut flowers, remove all but the terminal bud of each stem on the plant when the buds are small.
(11) He said the local authority has been continuously monitoring operations on the gas terminal and pipeline developments to ensure that planning conditions are not breached.
(12) The game itself, in the face of financial chaos, seems in real danger of terminal collapse.
(13) Once the author finds an appropriate photo, the image is called up and displayed at the workstation terminal .
(14) But police at the airport reviewed the decision and have asked wardens to enforce established rules which prohibit drivers from waiting near terminal buildings.
(15) Yasser Arafat is reported to be very ill; descriptions of his condition vary, but it seems possible that his condition is terminal .
(16) Preliminary planning for the facility's airline passenger terminal began early last month.
(17) Bereavement often begins during a terminal disease phase and continues after the patient's death.
(18) When the game's western terminal was St. Louis.
(19) In many ammonites the terminal body chamber is relatively large, inflated, and with a constricted aperture or apertural appendages.
(20) Doctors told the family her condition was terminal , although they don't link the standard of care she received with her death.
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 9
This is the cathode. This is the positive terminal.
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 7 cushion the blow of a terminal diagnosis?