Harry used the flow of energy from his chakras to gather the courage to perform the act.
Many workers, under pressure to perform and deliver are not taking their full annual leave entitlements and even those who do are unaware of the countless hours spent connected to work via handheld devices.
Some could control every element, but not be able to read minds or perform illusion at all.
He tried to introduce me to the proper way to grip a hilt, which way to attack when certain openings were made, and how to perform parries against an opponent.
We executed inconsequential missions because our command had a certain number of raids they had to perform per month.
Having no lancet, however, I was constrained to perform the operation in the best manner I was able, and finally succeeded in opening a vein in my right arm, with the blade of my penknife.
They needed to be reorganized they had to be a certain way for different acts I liked to perform.
My Essence was like a natural life-force, one continuous ball of power needing no physical organ to make it produce and perform.
Adam said they need catalysts to perform their alchemy .
I will not ask forest creatures to perform for you.