English to amharic meaning of

አድርገው የሚለው ቃል እንደ አገባቡ የተለያዩ ትርጉሞች ሊኖሩት ይችላል። አንዳንድ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ የመዝገበ-ቃላት ፍቺዎች እዚህ አሉ፡ li>(ግስ) አንድን ነገር ማሳካት ወይም ማጠናቀቅ(ግሥ) የሆነን ነገር ለማቅረብ ወይም ለማቅረብ(ስም) አንድን ነገር የማድረግ ወይም የማከናወን ተግባር(noun) ፓርቲ ወይም ማሕበራዊ ክስተት(ስም) ለማጭበርበር ወይም ለማጭበርበር። "አድርገው" በተጠቀመው መዝገበ-ቃላት ላይ በመመስረት።


  1. bash
  2. brawl

Sentence Examples

  1. After hemming and hawing about what to do, it seemed more appropriate to call her Myriam rather than Dr.
  2. I can tell you that neither I nor Lorraine had anything to do with it.
  3. The things he could do to my body just by winking at me.
  4. Acknowledgments Writing a book is not an achievement an individual person can do on his or her own.
  5. Do you know she had Nana D sitting next to Councilman Stanton at a table in the back row?
  6. Paramedics arrived and verified there was nothing they could do to help.
  7. Tell me, who do you think will be there tonight besides the usual stuffy colleagues and friends?
  8. Ever the talented rascal, Derek was known for dumping his crazy groupies on colleagues and getting everyone else to do his job for him.
  9. I had a lot more thinking to do before I could make any definitive decisions.
  10. Why do you leave me here in this boring arctic tundra alone with our parents?

TV Series Examples



Can you do that for me?



- Do you know what?



What do you expect?



Do the dead frighten you?



That's an honor l can do without.



But do you understand