English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "tempel" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en die woordeboek wat gebruik word. Oor die algemeen kan die woord "tempel" egter verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Gebou of struktuur wat toegewy is aan godsdienstige aanbidding of gebed, wat dikwels met 'n bepaalde geloof of godheid geassosieer word. 'n Plek of instelling waar mense bymekaarkom om 'n bepaalde godsdiens te aanbid of te beoefen.Die kop, of 'n gedeelte van die kop, insluitend die voorkop en die kante bokant die ore.'n Tempel is ook 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat gebruik word om te verwys na 'n gebou of 'n instelling wat beskou word as 'n plek waar goddelike aanbidding is aangebied word.'n Tempel kan ook verwys na die plat deel van die been in die voorkop van mense, geleë tussen die wenkbroue en die haarlyn. In argitektuur kan 'n tempel ook verwys na 'n tipe gebou met 'n simmetriese uitleg en 'n voorportiek, wat dikwels in antieke Griekeland en Rome vir godsdienstige of openbare funksies gebruik is.Die spesifieke definisie van "tempel" wat in enige gegewe situasie van toepassing is, sal afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. synagogue
  2. tabernacle

Sentence Examples

  1. The Parsee, now convinced that it was impossible to force an entrance to the temple, advanced no farther, but led his companions back again.
  2. The temple Krozemund had indicated was discolored.
  3. But, awkwardly enough, the guards now appeared at the rear of the temple, and there installed themselves, in readiness to prevent a surprise.
  4. The gargoyle turned faster than Evan expected, its fist clunking against his temple.
  5. The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself.
  6. In short, the house in Saville Row, which must have been a very temple of disorder and unrest under the illustrious but dissipated Sheridan, was cosiness, comfort, and method idealised.
  7. Happily the temple walls were built of brick and wood, which could be penetrated with little difficulty after one brick had been taken out, the rest would yield easily.
  8. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly combed back, a bit of a white streak happening around one temple but this guy plays it up, embracing what I suspect is early middle age.
  9. Stunned by the blow to his temple, the shopkeeper fell down the stairs as the attacker swung again.
  10. They were getting on rapidly, when suddenly a cry was heard in the interior of the temple, followed almost instantly by other cries replying from the outside.