English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "takties" hou verband met of behels aksies wat noukeurig beplan is om 'n spesifieke militêre of ander voordeel te verkry, wat tipies die ontplooiing van troepe en toerusting op 'n spesifieke manier behels. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n beplande, strategiese benadering tot die bereiking van 'n bepaalde doelwit of doelwit, veral in 'n mededingende of moeilike situasie. Oor die algemeen verwys "takties" na enigiets wat beplan of uitgevoer word met 'n spesifieke doel of doel in gedagte.

Sentence Examples

  1. FBI tactical team members followed through the broken doors into the warehouse.
  2. A bare instant later, one of the tactical team members, stone-jawed and pasty, bulldozed through the doorway and onto the sidewalk.
  3. There was an SPD Tactical Assault Corp unit on her floor, five officers dressed in dark blue battle armor with SPD written in large white letters on their Provex breastplates.
  4. Another smaller explosion followed at the mission door as the charge set by the tactical unit blew apart the lock.
  5. Lansu leaned forward, staring at the tactical display before him and the data scrolling in the upper right corner.
  6. The two of them took identical windup steps into the apartment, enough to let two fae in tactical gear march in past them.
  7. He walked through an open door and into a rectangular room equipped with a tactical command and control station and a secure communications portal.
  8. That being the case, it had probably been a tactical error to speak about Andoran and Sargon since their treachery had tarnished the mystique of court life Stormaway was trying to build up.
  9. Chambers realized that what he and his colleagues were building would give the Guardians an insurmountable tactical advantage over any enemy.
  10. Another article entitled, Anarchist Cell Uprooted in Louisville - Visa Controls Tightened, described how SPD tactical security units, or TACS, had found bomb-making materials in several apartments of an abandoned building in Louisville.