English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "lyer" is 'n persoon wat pyn, siekte of swaarkry ervaar. Dit verwys na iemand wat fisiese of emosionele ongemak of nood ondergaan as gevolg van 'n mediese toestand, besering of moeilike omstandighede. Die term kan ook gebruik word om iemand te beskryf wat die gevolge van 'n spesifieke situasie of probleem verduur, soos 'n slagoffer van armoede, diskriminasie of mishandeling. In die algemeen is 'n lyer iemand wat deur 'n moeilike tyd gaan en ondersteuning, empatie en sorg nodig het.


  1. martyr

Sentence Examples

  1. The mandaïa6 never fails, never trembles, never strikes thirty times ineffectually, like the soldier who beheaded the Count of Chalais, and to whose tender mercy Richelieu had doubtless recommended the sufferer.
  2. Others proposed the anguille, another kind of recreation, in which a handkerchief is filled with sand, pebbles, and two-sous pieces, when they have them, which the wretches beat like a flail over the head and shoulders of the unhappy sufferer.
  3. Those who hear the bitter cry are as much impressed as if they listened to an entire poem, and when the sufferer is sincere they are right in regarding his outburst as sublime.
  4. I suspect thou wilt say that I am taking a very humble line, and keeping myself too much within the bounds of my moderation, from a feeling that additional suffering should not be inflicted upon a sufferer, and that what this gentleman has to endure must doubtless be very great, as he does not dare to come out into the open field and broad daylight, but hides his name and disguises his country as if he had been guilty of some lese majesty.
  5. All the pious ideas that had been so long forgotten, returned he recollected the prayers his mother had taught him, and discovered a new meaning in every word for in prosperity prayers seem but a mere medley of words, until misfortune comes and the unhappy sufferer first understands the meaning of the sublime language in which he invokes the pity of heaven!
  6. Though the rock, the trees, and the shrubs, were cut and torn in a hundred places around the besieged, their cover was so close, and so rigidly maintained, that, as yet, David had been the only sufferer in their little band.
  7. There is something so awe-inspiring in great afflictions that even in the worst times the first emotion of a crowd has generally been to sympathize with the sufferer in a great catastrophe.
  8. At length a slight color tinged the livid cheeks, consciousness returned to the dull, open eyeballs, a faint sigh issued from the lips, and the sufferer made a feeble effort to move.
  9. Pale as if he had been gazing on a serpent, he fixed his terrified eye on the agonized sufferer.