English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "streep" verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Lang, dun lyn of merk van 'n ander kleur of tekstuur as sy omgewing.'n Deurlopende hardloop of reeks van iets, wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n goeie of slegte prestasie of gedrag te beskryf.'n Kort tydperk of uitbarsting van aktiwiteit of emosie.As 'n werkwoord, "streak" kan beteken:Om 'n lang, dun lyn of streep op iets te merk of te maak.Om vinnig of skielik in 'n bepaalde rigting te beweeg, word dikwels gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat naak deur 'n openbare plek hardloop of 'n ongewone gedrag toon.Voorbeelde van gebruik:Selfstandige naamwoord:Daar was 'n streep lig in die lug terwyl die meteoor bo-oor gevlieg het.Die span is op 'n verloorreeks, nadat hulle hul laaste vyf wedstryde verloor het.Sy het 'n reeks van ongeluk wat vir weke aangehou het.Werkwoord:Hy het die muur met verf gestreep.Die atleet het oor die eindpunt gestreep. lyn, wat die wêreldrekord gebreek het.Die partytjie was saai totdat 'n groep gaste deur die sitkamer gestreep het en 'n herrie veroorsaak het.

Sentence Examples

  1. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly combed back, a bit of a white streak happening around one temple but this guy plays it up, embracing what I suspect is early middle age.
  2. Pressing my eyes closed, I flinch, rooted on the spot when a sharp streak of lightning cuts across the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder.
  3. If he offers to break my losing streak right now, I might even say yes.
  4. Giving in to the ultimate temptation, I loosed a small streak of lightning, zapping him in the stomach.
  5. From a window in my pretty prison, I watched six large and beautiful wolves streak from the compound toward the forest.
  6. If what he said was true, then sometime during the last forty-eight hours, the inch-thick streak of white in my hair had quadrupled.
  7. Harry had a black streak running along his right arm and the doctor rubbed the vein and inserted the needle.
  8. He ruffled my hair, fingers pausing on the streak of white.
  9. He glanced up, focusing on the white streak in my otherwise dark hair.
  10. The group of blood drenched adults waddled along the corridor, blood dripped onto the floor and left a streak of red.