English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "strategie" word gedefinieer as "'n noukeurige plan of metode om 'n bepaalde doelwit gewoonlik oor 'n lang tydperk te bereik." Dit kan ook verwys na "die kuns om so 'n plan of metode te ontwikkel of uit te voer." Met ander woorde, 'n strategie is 'n deurdagte en doelbewuste benadering om 'n gewenste uitkoms of doelwit te bereik. Dit behels tipies die ontleding en begrip van die situasie, die stel van spesifieke doelwitte en die bepaling van die beste manier van aksie om te neem om daardie doelwitte te bereik.


  1. scheme

Sentence Examples

  1. With hindsight, removing tyrants and dictators appears to be an earnest strategy, which democracies continue to advocate and enforce when it suits, but behind the rhetoric is a lesson still unlearned.
  2. A faint ripple of amusement reached him before he was left alone with his own thoughts while the woodfolk planned their strategy.
  3. I open the manila envelope with the event details, and we start discussing a strategy.
  4. In the course of my recuperation, I had occasion to compare my sighting with those of Sir Charles and to devise a strategy to obviate further apparitions.
  5. Replaying the strategy over once more, Kallan returned to the fire.
  6. Although I knew most of the work was still ahead, I was feeling good that we at least had a strategy.
  7. Three grueling matches drew long into the afternoon, and Chadwick, despite his failing spirit, had become quite efficient with his Knight, having twice dispatched Fosgate with some deft strategy.
  8. Moving immediately after graduation had been more about strategy than freedom.
  9. The only jobs she looked back at with pride had culminated in the unspeakable horror the half-time dressing down after a losing strategy.
  10. I put it there last week planning to visit Pedro to discuss a strategy for dealing with the situation.