English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "reguit" is "direkt en duidelik in wyse of taal sonder subtiliteit of ontduiking; maklik verstaanbaar of gedoen; ongekompliseerd." Dit kan gebruik word om 'n persoon, 'n kommunikasie of 'n taak te beskryf wat eenvoudig en maklik is om te begryp of uit te voer sonder enige verwarring of kompleksiteit. Dit is sinoniem met woorde soos openhartig, eerlik, deursigtig, ongekompliseerd en duidelik.

Sentence Examples

  1. If there had not been so much anger, there would have been desperate awkwardness but their straightforward emotions left no room for the little zigzags of embarrassment.
  2. The direct grant approach is simple and straightforward but would have been much less productive in terms of social return on investment since there was no potential for investment funds to be recycled.
  3. Being straightforward himself, Tarkyn had never come to terms with duplicity in others.
  4. Whether the scooters were exploiting a loophole in tariffs, less likely to be stopped for inspection or being used for straightforward smuggling was never clear, but the name and the scooters persist.
  5. He always speaks to the purpose open, straightforward, and very well judging.
  6. We were all so focused on using magic that we forgot straightforward ideas.
  7. A fairly straightforward grid of streets cut regular swathes through Cearova, which would make the sewers easy enough for Cianne to navigate, given the mental map of the city she had long since established in her head.
  8. Tonight looked set to be another of partial information, half-truths, falsehoods and omission nothing straightforward or simple.
  9. Because he is so straightforward himself, Tarkyn struggles to understand that some people may be more devious.
  10. Our leader, Malcolm Weston, stood a solid four inches taller than the rest of us and had a straightforward likeable manner.