English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "roer" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Om effens te beweeg of te skuif, veral op 'n vinnige of skielike manier.Om te meng of te meng deur 'n gereedskap deur 'n stof te beweeg.Om 'n rumoer of steurnis te veroorsaak, dikwels doelbewus.Om 'n reaksie of reaksie op te wek of uit te lok.Om te wees aktief of besig; om in beweging of in werking te wees.Voorbeelde van hoe "roer" in 'n sin gebruik kan word:Sy het die sop 'n roer gegee om te maak seker al die bestanddele was goed gemeng.Die aankondiging van die nuwe beleid het 'n opskudding onder werknemers veroorsaak.Hy het moeilikheid probeer aanhits deur gerugte oor sy kollegas te versprei.Die spreker se woorde was kragtig genoeg om die gehoor tot aksie aan te spoor.Die stad was 'n konstante opskudding van bedrywighede en geraas.


  1. fuss
  2. ado
  3. bustle
  4. flurry
  5. hustle

Sentence Examples

  1. Hawke stepped forward, completely unfazed by their attacks, with his sword leveled towards the hooded figure who had yet to stir.
  2. The station platform burned his feet, and he could not stir.
  3. Watching it heal twice so quickly made something inside me stir, and I had Uraj do something horrific.
  4. Dillon rolled over slowly, trying not to make too much of a stir.
  5. Just at this moment there was an unusual stir in the human mass.
  6. Except I was going stir crazy sitting at home all alone.
  7. The articles taken out were deposited among the brambles, and the dog left to guard them, with strict orders from Jupiter neither, upon any pretence, to stir from the spot, nor to open his mouth until our return.
  8. Hawke had also begun to stir, thrashing about in an attempt to free himself from his entanglement.
  9. Eventually, he did stir, bending over and grabbing the upper part of the body that had been cleaved away by the arm.
  10. In addition, Arthur hired a few celebrities to appear to stir publicity for the celebration.