English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vlam" is 'n kort en skielike uitbarsting of rumoer van aktiwiteit of emosie. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n klein kolkende massa van iets, soos sneeu of blare, wat deur 'n rukwind aangewakker word. As 'n werkwoord beteken "vlae" om vinnig en skielik te beweeg of te laat beweeg. Byvoorbeeld, jy kan sê dat 'n groep voëls in 'n vlerkvlieg gevlug het of dat 'n skielike rukwind 'n vlaag sneeu laat ronddwarrel het.

Sentence Examples

  1. At last they emerged outside onto a black and white tiled courtyard, like an enormous chess board, which was a flurry of activity.
  2. They hauled Jake to the ground, and a flurry of kicks from heavily booted feet threatened to crack his ribs.
  3. A little flurry of footprints patterned the dusty boards.
  4. All was a flurry of flickering colour, emeralds, azures, pinks and golds.
  5. Voices from somewhere nearby called her name, the Shadows rushing through in a flurry, but Belah brushed them off.
  6. It is true that the innkeeper detained his alforjas in payment of what was owing to him, but Sancho took his departure in such a flurry that he never missed them.
  7. He then drew a pistol from his bosom and placed it, without the least flurry, upon the table.
  8. Red-faced, composure shattered, Catherine fled the stables in a flurry of skirts.
  9. After the initial flurry of activity to get the ship underway, Gordon and Aline were on the deck together, looking towards the new day.
  10. Heedless of caution, she yanked her legs up in a flurry of movement and scooted to the other side of the wall.