English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Taktikus is 'n persoon wat vaardig is in die beplanning en uitvoering van strategieë of taktieke. Met ander woorde, 'n taktikus is iemand wat 'n talent het om planne of maneuvers te bedink en te implementeer, veral in 'n spesifieke veld soos weermag, sport of politiek. ’n Taktikus word dikwels gekenmerk deur hul vermoë om strategies te dink, potensiële struikelblokke of uitdagings te antisipeer en effektiewe besluite onder druk te neem. Hulle is ook tipies vaardig om komplekse situasies te analiseer, sleutelfaktore te identifiseer en planne van aksie te ontwikkel om spesifieke doelwitte of doelwitte te bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Highly regarded and well connected in government circles, he was also a master tactician who knew how to get what he wanted.
  2. All his life, Fuchs had been a master tactician who knew how to deal with the unexpected.
  3. It was frustrating for Sabienn, the tactician, not to see this being done.
  4. The boyish-faced Jojin Bok was a leader of men, a master tactician when handling Great Wings, and, more importantly, someone who inspired others to follow him implicitly.