English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "stint" is om iemand of iets te beperk of te beperk, dikwels met betrekking tot die hoeveelheid tyd, geld of moeite wat gebruik of bestee kan word aan 'n spesifieke taak of aktiwiteit. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n tydperk wat spandeer word om 'n spesifieke werk of taak te doen, of die hoeveelheid werk wat verwag word om gedurende daardie tyd gedoen te word. Daarbenewens kan "stint" as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om te verwys na 'n spesifieke tydperk wat spandeer word aan 'n werk of taak, of na die hoeveelheid werk wat verwag word om gedurende daardie tyd gedoen te word.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was rostered on two-up with Scott Hart, who agreed to kick off their four-to-midnight stint playing catch-up on their respective portfolios.
  2. Sometimes I dine with my neighbours and friends, and often invite them my entertainments are neat and well served without stint of anything.
  3. The Village After hoeing, or perhaps reading and writing, in the forenoon, I usually bathed again in the pond, swimming across one of its coves for a stint, and washed the dust of labor from my person, or smoothed out the last wrinkle which study had made, and for the afternoon was absolutely free.
  4. They all made the decision for a brief stint of fresh air and queued with the rest to get out.
  5. The brief eavesdropping stint left me with more questions than answers.
  6. In years past students approached of their own accord, preparing for a stint in foreign service work or relocation with major international corporations.
  7. Her short unsuccessful stint as a trainee detective in Gothenburg had earned her the position as keeper of keys at Hurst.
  8. During a past stint with the local Safety Watch in Lazzonir, Quinn was familiar with the stunner and its functions.
  9. Like she usually did, she talked to me about nothing and everything, trying to entertain me with stories of her time backpacking in Europe, then she moved on to her brief stint with the Peace Corps.