English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "begin" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:Begin of begin; voorletter.Betrek of merk die begin van iets.selfstandige naamwoord:Die handeling of 'n geval van die begin van iets.'n Punt, plek of tyd vanwaar iets begin of aan die gang gesit word.werkwoord:Begin of begin. Veroorsaak ('n gebeurtenis of proses) om te begin.(Van 'n enjin) begin werk.(Van 'n persoon) skrik of spring effens onwillekeurig in verrassing of alarm.


  1. start

Sentence Examples

  1. It suddenly made sense why Jordan told me he would be starting pitcher in the upcoming game.
  2. I was starting to go deaf, and the ground was only a short drop away.
  3. I was starting to feel like the world was shifting out from under my feet, slowly, inch by inch.
  4. But, strange as it sounded, Brooke was starting to feel at home.
  5. I can only imagine that James feared a scandal because once he calmed down and starting thinking, he removed the birth certificate from her purse and stuffed it in his coat pocket.
  6. I was starting to look forward to some of her homemade chicken soup when I saw all the cars in her parking lot.
  7. The buzz of magic was starting to get on my nerves by now.
  8. By what must have been late evening, I was starting to give up hope.
  9. Carla needed a break from all the work and drama with Striker and his stepfather freaking out over who would be the starting pitcher in the opening game.
  10. Though she liked to think she did a good job of hiding it, the strain was starting to wear on her.

TV Series Examples



You're starting to like this.



l think he's starting to like me.



Am l starting to make sense?



- lt's starting to show.