English to afrikaans meaning of

"Stanton" is 'n eienaam en 'n van van Engelse oorsprong. Dit het nie 'n woordeboekbetekenis nie aangesien dit 'n eienaam is en nie 'n woord is wat gedefinieer kan word nie.Daar word egter geglo dat die naam "Stanton" afgelei is van die Oud-Engelse woorde "stan, "wat klip beteken, en "tun," wat dorp of nedersetting beteken. Daarom kan die naam verwys na iemand wat in 'n dorp of nedersetting gewoon het wat bekend was vir sy klip of 'n klipstruktuur van een of ander betekenis gehad het.


  1. elizabeth cady stanton

Sentence Examples

  1. Nana D hovered a few rows behind them, near Marcus Stanton.
  2. Councilman Stanton and Coach Oliver argued about something, but I was too far away to guess the crux.
  3. Doctor Stanton warned of a long recovery, but despite his caveat Mother is optimistic and insists I go to Newport.
  4. The Hands That Pull the Strings Inez Stanton, cargoist, is finally taking a vacation, able to relax and decompress from her recent jobs.
  5. Stanton is also running for mayor in the next election.
  6. Doctor Stanton left at sundown, packing away all of his vials and needles.
  7. Do you know she had Nana D sitting next to Councilman Stanton at a table in the back row?
  8. She thought it would be a fun twist to rearrange all the tables in Stanton Concert Hall to face the center of the room.
  9. Unless she changed her mind, and Coach Oliver, Stanton, or Striker killed her in revenge.
  10. Unless it was someone from the Paddington, Stanton, or Grey families, I was clueless.