English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rivier" is 'n groot, vloeiende watermassa wat oor die land beweeg en in 'n see, meer of 'n ander rivier uitmond. Riviere word tipies gevorm deur die ophoping van water uit reën, sneeusmelting of ondergrondse fonteine, en hulle speel 'n belangrike rol in die vorming van die landskap, die ondersteuning van plant- en dierelewe en die verskaffing van water vir menslike gebruik. Riviere kan in grootte wissel van klein stroompies tot uitgestrekte waterweë wat duisende kilometers strek, en hulle word op elke kontinent aangetref.

Sentence Examples

  1. Not only were several statues walking around with torches in their hands, the bright green river that snaked through the fields was luminous.
  2. In a matter of seconds the bubble had zoomed across the river, bounced down a waterfall and submerged itself underwater seamlessly.
  3. I met Eleanor at an Italian restaurant near the Finnulia River waterfront.
  4. She was staying by the river, no one around for miles, and I saw her wandering down the highway with that pack on her back.
  5. Her hair was an ebony river as it fell across her face, dripping at the ends.
  6. Elijah and his companions sat underneath a tree-sized blue mushroom, on a hill that overlooked Veneseron River.
  7. He bought it on the streets of New Orleans when we took Lillye, then just a baby, to watch the midnight fireworks over the river.
  8. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  9. The streams soon converged and widened into a river which flowed into a bright green pond, set in a grove of lilac trees.
  10. Out of shape in that regard, two beers and a glass of port has me feeling rather good, although those wheat and hops are sitting on a load of good eating and I feel like the Mississippi River in April after a Midwest flood.

TV Series Examples



Jaime smashed the river lords



Do that and the river lords will join us.



To do either we need to cross the river