English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sprawl" is:(selfstandige naamwoord)Die handeling of 'n geval van sprawling; 'n lomp of uitgestrekte houding of posisie.'n Verstommende, onbeheerde groei of verspreiding van iets.(werkwoord)Om te sit, lê of val met die ledemate ongemaklik of onverskillig uitgesprei.Om op 'n slordige of onreëlmatige manier uit te sprei.Om op 'n onbeheerste of ongeorganiseerde manier uit te brei of te ontwikkel manier, dikwels tot nadeel van die omliggende area of omgewing.

Sentence Examples

  1. The island was truly beautiful, the house a two-story sprawl with most of it one story high, just a section at one end that went to two.
  2. Tarin seized her gargoyle and threw him right back at Simone, causing them both to sprawl in a pile of limbs.
  3. I sprung backward off his lap ending up in a sprawl over the tangled roots with my arms propping me up from behind.
  4. Even as a boy I understood Abilene was a lawless, drunken sprawl ruled by armed cowboys and the cattle trade.
  5. Beautiful grapevines sprawl as far as the eye can see.
  6. Her hand so small, not squeezing back to say everything would be okay, that we could still leave together, sprawl out on that beach.
  7. The creature roared as the fire blasted into him, throwing him back to land in a sprawl of spidery limbs.
  8. And here in the little pueblo of Reina de Los Angeles, where, in years to come, a great city would grow, the tavern on one side of the plaza housed for the time being men who would sprawl before the fire until the dawn rather than face the beating rain.
  9. And the sprawl of hotels and holiday villas that was once the quaint fishing village of Playa Blanca.
  10. As much as he hated the urban sprawl for sucking the life from the planet, he felt comfortable amongst the steel, glass, and concrete.