English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "bederf" wissel na gelang van die konteks en gebruik, maar hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Om iets te beskadig of te verwoes, wat dit minder wenslik maak of nuttig as wat dit voorheen was. Voorbeeld: Die reën het die piekniek bederf deur al die kos te week.Om iemand te toegeeflik te behandel, hulle te veel aandag, liefde of materiële goedere te gee. Voorbeeld: As jy jou kinders te veel bederf, kan hulle grootword om geregtig en onverantwoordelik te wees.Om met 'n situasie in te meng of 'n situasie te ontwrig, dikwels om selfsugtige redes. Voorbeeld: Die kandidaat se smeerveldtog het ten doel gehad om sy opponent se kanse om die verkiesing te wen, te bederf.Om te plunder of te plunder, dikwels as gevolg van oorlog of konflik. Voorbeeld: Die invallende weermag het die platteland verwoes, die grond bederf en al die waardevolle hulpbronne geneem.Om vrot of verval te word, tipies as gevolg van blootstelling aan lug, vog, of bakterieë. Voorbeeld: As jy kos te lank uitlaat, sal dit bederf en onveilig word om te eet.

Sentence Examples

  1. Brian, though, has to spoil everything by being reasonable.
  2. Sancho answered them that this fell to him lawfully as spoil of the battle which his lord Don Quixote had won.
  3. But now with the spoil heap sifted, the professor would have no excuse to criticise Heather for lack of scrupulousness.
  4. I debated whether to mention what Josephine and Lillian were up to, but since it was unlikely anyone would suspect an ulterior motive in their book project, it would be a shame to spoil their fun.
  5. Beside herself with guilt for letting Lucky venture off into the shrubs, Victoria took Lucky home, vowing to spoil her for the rest of the day.
  6. But Cervantes was too true an artist to spoil his work in this way.
  7. Spoil the smooth lines and sleek contours with plumped fenders.
  8. Having ascertained the places which it frequents and passes, they stop the way to them with mud, and then rousing it, drive it towards the spot, and as soon as the ermine comes to the mud it halts, and allows itself to be taken captive rather than pass through the mire, and spoil and sully its whiteness, which it values more than life and liberty.
  9. Not intending to spoil his surprise, someone from a resort had phoned me at home earlier to request confirmation of the weekend booking.
  10. To spoil a perfect moment she might carry in memory for ages to come?