English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "klank" 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Vibrasies wat deur die lug of 'n ander medium beweeg en gehoor kan word wanneer dit 'n persoon of dier se oor bereik .'n Bepaalde ouditiewe indruk; 'n toon, geraas of ander ouditiewe sein.Die sensasie wat geproduseer word deur stimulasie van die gehoororgane deur sulke vibrasies.Die besondere ouditiewe kwaliteit van 'n musiekinstrument, stem, of opname.As 'n werkwoord het "klank" ook veelvuldige betekenisse, insluitend:Om 'n klank of geraas uit te straal of te laat uitstraal.Om die diepte of aard van iets te ondersoek, soos 'n watermassa of 'n persoon se opinies of voornemens, deur klankgolwe of ander metodes te gebruik.Om 'n indruk te gee dat dit 'n sekere manier is. , veral as dit beoordeel word deur 'n mens se woorde of dade.

Sentence Examples

  1. Ackerton shook her head and made a tsk-tsk sound with her tongue.
  2. When we entered the Passages, any other sound was cut off as the door slid closed behind us.
  3. As a faint shuffling noise came from up ahead, Lenny made a terrified sound and moved closer to Markos.
  4. The sound had been unmistakable, but nothing appeared.
  5. Slowly, with a screeching sound not unlike a wyvern with its tail caught in a door, the lift began to climb.
  6. I came down on my knees, hard, and clenched my teeth to stop myself making a sound.
  7. Only the sound of our own footsteps on the metal floor followed us.
  8. Aside from his size, the clip-clopping sound of hooves was difficult to mute.
  9. I soon determined the obnoxious sound was the hissing of the radiators delivering much-needed warmth to the room.
  10. The lift stopped without a sound, the glass doors sliding open.