English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "sielloos" ontbreek of ontbreek siel of gees. Dit kan gebruik word om iets of iemand te beskryf wat beskou word as sonder diepte, lewenskragtigheid of menslike eienskappe soos empatie of deernis. Die term "sielloos" kan ook gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat leeg of betekenisloos is, soos 'n siellose opvoering of 'n siellose kunswerk. Oor die algemeen is dit 'n negatiewe byvoeglike naamwoord wat gebruik word om 'n gevoel van leegheid of gebrek aan menslikheid oor te dra.

Sentence Examples

  1. Azizi stepped into the room, his soulless eyes inspecting Murdock.
  2. Even in the gloom they glittered in a blank, soulless way.
  3. With his soulless eyes, she felt him dragging to the surface all of her fears.
  4. The soulless body turned to face Marina with a wicked smile playing on its lips.
  5. His smile was as perfect and soulless as an airbrushed model.
  6. An inner eye followed with soulless detachment as she prattled on, oblivious.
  7. He stared at the soulless, cream-coloured cell wall, bit his lip, and reflected that he needed to get out of there to talk to Professor Whitehead about his scheme and, ah, yes, plead his innocence with Heather.
  8. They, too, were all black with empty, soulless red eyes.
  9. Stories of ghouls were some of the favorites the slaves told at night they were said to be soulless husks that demons often kept around as pets or servants to torture their unfortunate victims.
  10. He that possesses her must keep her within bounds, not permitting her to break out in ribald satires or soulless sonnets.