English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "sorg" is:Gekenmerk deur of toon belangstelling of besorgdheid: 'n sorgsame ouer; besorgd oor sy gesondheid.Angstig begerig: besorgd oor die agting van ander.Uiters versigtig; nougeset: 'n sorgsame werker wat nooit foute maak nie.Oor die algemeen word die woord "besorgd" dikwels gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat oplettend, omgee en besorg is oor ander, of iets wat gedoen word met groot sorg en aandag aan detail.

Sentence Examples

  1. From Sancho they took his coat, leaving him in his shirt-sleeves and dividing among themselves the remaining spoils of the battle, they went each one his own way, more solicitous about keeping clear of the Holy Brotherhood they dreaded, than about burdening themselves with the chain, or going to present themselves before the lady Dulcinea del Toboso.
  2. In his mind, he ran through his near-contacts with the Guard, remembering in particular that they were solicitous when not threatened.
  3. He could now, without the drawback of a single unpleasant surmise, without a glance forward at any possible treachery in his guest, give way to all his natural kind-hearted civility in solicitous inquiries after Mr.
  4. In fact, the armed guards were friendly, chatty and even solicitous.
  5. And now I come to the principal, the only important part of my conduct while belonging to you, which excites my own anxiety, or requires very solicitous explanation.
  6. Her temper was now shorter than ever but he had become more patient than ever and more solicitous.