English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "nugterend" veroorsaak dat iemand ernstig of bedagsaam raak. Dit kan ook beteken dat iemand die erns of belangrikheid van iets laat besef, veral iets wat voorheen nie ten volle verstaan of waardeer is nie. Byvoorbeeld, 'n ontnugterende ervaring kan 'n gebeurtenis wees wat 'n gevoel van erns en bedagsaamheid meebring, soos 'n naby-dood-ervaring of om 'n tragiese gebeurtenis te aanskou.

Sentence Examples

  1. The coverage of the sexual, physical, and psychological abuse that she experienced is sobering.
  2. It was easy to decide that she was still too young and Jane remained with them, sharing, as another daughter, in all the rational pleasures of an elegant society, and a judicious mixture of home and amusement, with only the drawback of the future, the sobering suggestions of her own good understanding to remind her that all this might soon be over.
  3. Seeing what one was like in the flesh was far more sobering than any scary story.
  4. To think that only a decade ago this had been a major thoroughfare for traders was a sobering thought.
  5. In this singular moment, I become aware how words can force us to face the sobering truth.
  6. Immediately, a sobering rush of guilt flooded through him.