English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sneeuval" is die neerslag van sneeu uit die atmosfeer. Dit verwys na die hoeveelheid sneeu wat gedurende 'n spesifieke tydperk op die grond val, tipies gemeet in duim of sentimeter. Sneeuval kan in verskeie vorme voorkom, soos ligte storms, swaar sneeustorms of sneeustorms, en kan beduidende impakte op vervoer, landbou en daaglikse lewe hê.


  1. snow

Sentence Examples

  1. We had to take some of our provisions, too, for we were in a perfect desolation, and, so far as we could see through the snowfall, there was not even the sign of habitation.
  2. The fjord had been frozen and the branches of the firs on either bank had creaked under the weight of fresh snowfall.
  3. We were informed that the roads were passable, but Johannesburg had gotten a rare snowfall overnight.
  4. From time to time, as a vulture rears its head out of its nest, the formidable Greek fire darted from its sides, and cast its flame upon the ocean like an incandescent snowfall.
  5. They were far off, but the sound, even though coming muffled through the deadening snowfall, was full of terror.