English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "slier" is 'n klein, skraal, dikwels skerp stukkie wat van 'n groter voorwerp afgesny, gesplete of afgebreek is. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n dun, smal strook van iets, soos hout of metaal, of na 'n klein, nou gedeelte of hoeveelheid van iets, soos kos of tyd. Boonop kan "sliver" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, wat beteken om 'n klein, nou stukkie van iets af te sny of af te breek, of om iets in klein, smal stukkies te verdeel.


  1. paring
  2. shaving

Sentence Examples

  1. A sliver of light pierced the wood, beckoning them on ahead.
  2. He could just barely see the last sliver of the sun set through the clouds.
  3. Opening my eyes a sliver, I stared at his back, straight as a rod and just as stiff.
  4. There, in a sliver of mountains which actually were not a part of the High Kanris, would be a place where an army of Winged Beasties and Great Wings might come into being.
  5. The waxing sliver of the crescent moon provided almost no light.
  6. A sliver of orange pulled back the black, and Durin stood, cursing, in what she could only imagine was a slew of guttural slurs that suggested he had been hitting the black root brew hard.
  7. She could hear the reluctance in his voice, and he moved slowly away from the wall, heading toward a cracked door that was spilling a thin sliver of yellow light out into what she now saw was a garden.
  8. A sliver of brown skin slides towards the plughole.
  9. Trees clogged the skyline around us, blotting out the stars and the sliver of moon.
  10. Dominic stood in front of the older man, a sliver of a grin splitting his face.